Thousands of domains available

Domain Names for sale
PO Box 8482, Pelham NY 10803 has offered a large selection of web domain names for sale since 1999.  If you were forwarded to this website by a domain, it is probably for sale.

We have several thousand domains listed on Afternic. If you are unable to search our list through the above link, go to, where you can do a search of all domain sellers including DomainVision, and purchase our domains or others at the "buy now" price. You can also buy our domains directly from DomainVision for the Afternic "buy now" price minus 10% (see PayPal link below).

You can also make an offer for any of our domains to, with a copy to Generally, direct offers are more attractive to us than those through Afternic, as we avoid paying the Afternic commission.

If one of our domains is not listed on Afternic, please email us for a price. Note that our email address above is listed with "At" rather than "@" to avoid automatic harvesting for spam purposes; use "@" in place of "At" to send us an email.

PLEASE NOTE!  Our prices are sale prices for which you can purchase the right to use and renew the domain and have it registered under your name, with complete control of it. Do not confuse these with domain websites which charge substantial annual rental fees without ever transferring the domain registration to you.  After your purchase from DomainVision, through Afternic or directly, all you will need to pay to retain the right to use it is the annual registration fee, which varies depending on the registrar but is offered by some for about $10.  Of course, to use the domain for a website you will also need a web host. is under the same management as Continental Chess Association, the largest organizer of chess tournaments in the United States. Continental Chess currently holds tournaments in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. Beginners and spectators are welcome at all tournaments.   

For most extensions, if you purchase a domain from us, the transfer will be initiated online within a few business days. During holiday periods it may take longer.   
